Saturday 26 January 2013

A New Start

Now I know that at the beginning of each year everyone begins to complain about people saying, 'new year new me.' I must admit I am one of those complainers. Who needs it to be a new year to realize you need a fresh start?

There are multiple reasons why I am starting this blog, and I am about to go through them with you.

First of all, I feel that when I look back over 2012 I only manage to remember the bad and really struggle to remember the good. Now 2012 may not have been my best year yet but it certainly had some amazing memories. I went to see loads of my favourite bands including You Me At Six, All Time Low and Coldplay. 

Secondly, I find myself to end up sitting around doing nothing a lot of the time. I'm a huge procrastinator and even though this blog won't help finish my coursework it will help to take up wasted time.

My main reason for starting this blog though, is because I really need a fresh start. The past year has been one of the toughest years of my life. Despite the amazing high moments I have been at rock bottom for days, even months on end. I have realized how much I sit around and waste time feeling upset over things that have gone wrong, but who says that I can't set them right?

I am going to set myself some goals that at the end of this year I want to have achieved. I would call these resolutions but I don't believe they are resolutions, more goals.

1. Start thinking positively more often - for those who follow me on twitter will know that I spend a lot of time upset and having negative thoughts. This year I want to be able to put a spin on that and view things from a different perspective. 

2. Say 'yes' to more opportunities - I am a huge one to cancel plans and say no to things that could benefit me in my life. I want to start going out more and even going ahead with plans I have made myself. 

3. Write more songs - This is one I'm really going to struggle with. Despite the fact I want to be a musician when I grow up, I really struggle with writing songs, putting emotions in to words is something I really can't do as I'm not one to open up to people that often. By the end of the year I want to have written at least another 4 songs.

4. Be happier with myself and what I may or may not achieve - Right now I am not the happiest with myself, I dislike my appearance, how I view things, the fact my paranoia and anxiety take over my life. I want to start making little changes to my appearance, not so far as surgery but I want to start to do little things to try and boost my confidence, even if it's just to wear a tiny bit of make up to cover up my insecurities on my face. I also want to start being proud of any achievements I may make and ever the ones I don't make. This may help with my outlook on things in life.

Thanks for reading, I hope this has maybe helped you to think through what you want to achieve by the end of 2013. Sorry for rambling on.

I hope you have a lovely day and I'll update soon!

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