Thursday 4 April 2013

Back with lots to say! [I'm sorry]

I'm so sorry it's been 3 months! I am terrible and such a procrastinator. However I do have multiple reasons as to why I haven't posted in a while which I will explain to you all now.

These past few months have been up and down with emotions with school work and even with my day to day routine. However, this has given me the push I needed to sit down and think 'what am I even doing with my life?!' The answer is still not in tact but I'm sure of one thing, I'm not happy with what I've become and how I go through my day to day life. 

I want to start making the most of life, not sat at home eating junk food and daydreaming of what I wish I was doing, I'm gonna start doing and not dreaming! Even if it's just going out onto a field with some friends and playing guitar and singing, it would be a better day than sat at home doing nothing. At the end of the day I want to be a musician I want to write, record and produce my own album one day which I can tour with. But along with needing to be capable of playing some  sort of instrument the music industry I believe is also based a lot on 'who you know, not what you know' and the way I'm going I'm never going to meet new people or get to a social point where I'm comfortable talking to new people. 

 Daydreaming by Paramore off of their new album 'Paramore' 

  Anyway so yeah hopefully with this new mindset I'll have more to blog about? Pretty sweet eh? 

Plans for the blog

 Photo I made using 'So Wrong It's Right' album silhouette on a painted background.
As I haven't even written about going to see All Time Low in February yet I feel like there is a lot to catch you up on. So this next week I'm gonna have at least another 3 blog posts up hopefully, so keep your eyes peeled on my twitter and tumblr to hear when they're up!

Find me on

Thank you for reading, until next time...

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